
Showing posts from 2015

St. Dorotheus of Gaza - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Dorotheus of Gaza - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online St. Dorotheus of Gaza, Presbyter, (like a bishop) lived in a cave, doing penance. My ministry was to other monks and priests. The granddaughter of the Spaniard, St. Melania the Great, Melania the younger once gave me five hundred solidi. I shared the funds with the other brothers. I kept three solidi. The rest I gave to another anchorite, Diocles, to distribute to those needy. Feastday June 5

St. Aurea - Saints

St. Aurea - Saints St. Aurea, Roman Catholic Nun, During the Moorish Muslim occupation of Spain, she became a nun at a nearby Benedictine San Millan de la Cogolla abbey and lived as a solitary famed for her visions and miracles. Her feast day is March 11th