St. Mella Feastday: April 25 780 A.D. Widow and abbess. She was the mother of St. Cannech and Tigernach, and lived in Connaught, Ireland. She became the abbess of DoireMelle, Leitrim. St. Franca Visalta Feastday: April 26 1218 A.D. Cistercian nun and foundress. Born in 1170 in Piacenza, Italy, she entered the St. Syrus Benedictine Convent at the age of seven. Later elected abbess, she was ousted because of her strictness. After several years she became abbess of a convent at Montelana, which adopted the Cistercian rule. Moving the foundation to Pittoli, she died there. She was canonized by Pope Gregory X. St. Aldo Feastday: April 26 A native of Siena, and also known as Aude and Aldobrandesca, she gave away all her possessions on the death of her husband and devoted herself to aiding the poor. She spent the last part of her life ministering to the sick in the hospital at Siena, subjecting herself to great mortifications. She experienced visions and ecstasies during her li...