July 25 Sts. Thea and Valentina . Thea was born at Gaza, Palestine. She was arrested with other Christians during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Maximian and brought before Firmilian, governor of Palestine, at Caesarea. When she denounced him for threatening to place her in a brothel, he had her scourged. When a Christian of Caesarea, Valentina, protested, Firmilian had her dragged to a pagan altar, and when she kicked over the fire and incense before the altar, he had her tortured. He then bound Thea and Valentina together and had them burned to death. St. Glodesind , 608 A.D. Abbess in Metz, Germany. Glodesind ran from her wedding day after her betrothed was arrested and later executed. Becoming a nun, she eventually served as abbess. July 26 Sts. Joachim and Anne . Traditionally Joachim and Anne are considered to be the names of the parents of Mary, the Mother of God. We have no historical evidence, however, of any elements of their lives, including their names. Any st...